
Size chart & sizing guide Tempish Talispordid

Measure your foot length (Mondopoint) to find the corresponding size. We always recommend to use the official size conversion chart below.

Conversion chart - Find your size

Foot length
EU sizeUKUS Men
221 mm363.54
241 mm3745
248 mm3856
256 mm3967
261 mm406.57.5
265 mm4178
272 mm4289
274 mm43910
280 mm441011
290 mm4510.511.5
304 mm461112
310 mm471212.5

Notice: See bränd ei kasuta kõikide toodete puhul sama suurusjuhendit. Palun vaadake iga toote juures kuvatavat suurusjuhendit.

How to Measure

Follow the instructions below and compare your measurements with the size chart

Foot length

Place your foot against a wall and measure the distance from the wall to the tip of your toes.

Manufacturers do not always use the same sizes for shoes. Therefore, we recommend using the foot length to find the correct size. The international standard for foot length is known as Mondopoint and indicates the size of the foot in millimeters (mm).

How to measure your foot length

Tip! Use a soft measuring tape, to ensure that the product fits properly. Alternatively, use a piece of string and then measure it against a ruler
