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Tempish Coctail Mate Kids Inline Skates sobivad ideaalselt noortele uisutajatele igal tasemel. Tänu lihtsale ja mugavale suuruse reguleerimise süsteemile saab neid uiske reguleerida 4 erineva suurusega, mis teeb neist suurepärase valiku kasvavatele jalgadele.
Uiskude plastikust skelett on väga tugev ja pakub märgatavat tuge, samas kui sisemine saapas on mõõdukalt jäigastatud ja rikkalikult polsterdatud, et tagada mugav istuvus. Ristirihm on varustatud mikroprotsessoriga, mis tagab jala kindla pingutuse ja istumise kingas, ning välised rihmakaitsmed on kinnitatud kahe kruviga ja neid saab kahjustuse korral välja vahetada.
Nendel uiskudel on ka kanna all asuvas skeletis olev amortisaator, mis neelab ja summutab teel tekkivate ebatasasuste ülekandumist jalale, muutes sõidu mugavamaks ja turvalisemaks. COCTAIL MATE komplektis on ka 2 paari amortisaatorit ja 2 paari paeluure, kumbki oranži ja rohelise värviga, mis võimaldab teie lapsel kohandada oma uisud oma stiili ja meeleolu järgi. ABEC-7 laagritega ja 85A ratastega tagavad need uisud kindlasti sujuva ja nauditava sõidu.
Mudeli spetsifikatsioonid
Mudel | Ratta läbimõõt |
34-37 | 76mm |
38-41 | 80mm |
arvustused (9)
"Min dotter är mkt nöjd." | |
Johan N. (Asarum) | 15/06/21 |
"Super god hjemmeside. Fantastisk hurtig levering. Skal bestemt anbefale jer til alle." | |
Claus Greve | 23/04/19 |
"Très bien" | |
Renou Karine (Marans) | 20/10/21 |
"Parfait en tout !!!!" | |
ARMAND Xavier (Villiers-le-Bel) | 17/05/21 |
"My 8 yr old boy loves these skates, HOWEVER... he has had them for 2 weeks and they have not been problem free. Firstly the boots holding the ankle support section of the skate came off while he was skating in the right skate. We fitted this back on and used some lock tight. Then the same happened on the left skate! In addition to this the loop at the top of the boot insert on one skate has broken off and the stitching on the other has come loose too. The build quality seems poor! Having experienced these problems in the first 2 weeks of ownership I would in hindsight have chosen different skates for my lad and would advise you to do the same. On the other hand, he has enjoyed the customisable inserts and laces. As his parent though I would have expected a better build quality at this price!" | |
Q. GOFFEN (Bassaleg) | 30/06/20 |
Vastus alates SkatePro: Thank you for your review. We are sorry to hear that you had this experience with these skates. We will reach out to you directly to see how we can help you with this 😇. /Abigail |
"Son of skates very happy. The model is very nice because of the construction because it stiffly holds the leg. And the brilliant size change. I have been buying new ones for a few years. I would recommend." | |
Wojciech Iłczyk (Brzezie K. Sulechowa) | 20/05/20 |
"Livraison rapide et produit conforme a mes attentes. Pleinement satisfaite du service. Je recommande le site." | |
RICHARD Amelia (Les Pavillons-sous-Bois) | 27/01/20 |
"Top skeelers. Goede wieltjes, fijne pasvorm en eenvoudig systeem om de maat aan te passen." | |
Joyce van Eijndt (Kessel-Lo) | 08/07/19 |
"Livraison très rapide. Produit conforme à la photo. Ils roulent très bien mais mon fils les trouve difficile à mettre. San." | |
Sandrine Wolfthal (Vilvoorde) | 24/06/19 |