Delivery 5 tööpäeva
365 päeva tagastuspoliitika
Pommi mäed koos paari slaidikindadega Landyachtzilt
Tahad end turvaliselt tunda ja samal ajal lahedalt välja näha? Siis kanna kindlasti slaidikindaid, kui pommitad oma longboardi või rula-lauaga mäest alla. Power-sliding'is läbi juuksekurvide on tore teada, et saad käed maale panna ja leiad rohkem tasakaalu.
- Kinnaste materjalid: Kevlar, nailon ja mokkamaterjalid
- Slaidiketta materjal: UHMW polüuretaan - väga kulumiskindel
arvustused (15)
"I mean, there is pepperoni pizza on those gloves, they can only be good. They fit extremely well (used the sizing guide and got XL) and feel well made. The sliding pucks stick well and are also easy to relocate a bit if needed." | |
Marco Eckhardt (Helsinki ) | 09/07/19 |
"Ok handskar, små i storleken" | |
Maria W. (Hamneda) | 18/03/20 |
"Lidt små I størrelsen, men ellers gode :)" | |
Rasmus Thormann Jensen (Skanderborg) | 23/06/20 |
"Fit great and comfortable" | |
Andrew Norrie (Bancroft) | 28/10/21 |
"After an hour of use, the stitching on the pointer finger came undone. Otherwise, comfortable gloves, just don't let them get anywhere near the pavement, so your slides better be flawless." | |
Andrew Iverson | 21/10/21 |
Vastus alates SkatePro: HI Andrew, Thank you for taking the time to write a review! I am sorry about this, please send us a few pictures of the issue to and we will sort this out for you! /Vesta |
"Esattamente quello che volevo." | |
Gianni Turatti (Rosolina) | 13/10/21 |
"Świetne, chociaż szkoda że nie mają pada pod palcami." | |
Piotr Aleksander Antosz (Sarpsborg) | 27/09/21 |
"Gute Qualität, dickes Leder, riecht allerdings! Der Geruch geht aber nach einiger zeit weg. Und beim fahren stört er auch nicht. Die Pucks sind ausreichend groß, und dick." | |
L. Flöry (Gaschurn) | 02/06/21 |
"Very satisfied" | |
Szymon T. (Zebrzydowice) | 02/09/20 |
"Top !" | |
Sébastien Michaux (Uccle) | 10/08/20 |
"Rapid delivery and great product very happy" | |
Zac Chara (South Shields) | 07/07/20 |
"Solid build! good material but careful how you place the puck because the material underneath can't take a lot of hits before it wears down and the glove is destroyed. The only downside I found is that if you stare at them for a while you get pizza cravings !" | |
S. Snow (Bragadiru) | 11/05/20 |
"Réception rapide et produit de qualité" | |
Guardiola laure (Mouy) | 06/01/20 |
"Litt liten plast. Det skulle ha vært større. Ellers, fornøyd." | |
Stéphane B. (Oslo) | 25/09/19 |