Delivery 5 tööpäeva
365 päeva tagastuspoliitika
Slaidikindad allamäge sõitjatele. Kindad on varustatud eemaldatavate plastist kaitsmetega, ümmarguse peopesa kaitsega, ringikujulise pöidlakaitsega ja sõrmekaitseribaga. Ära rebi oma käsi, rebi Reaper.
arvustused (45)
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"Bought these for my brother for Christmas. They came super fast and he loved them!" | |
E. Lawrence (East Aurora) | 13/01/21 |
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"Bought them for my son, whom is a beginner with the Longboard. So far he is happy with the product, just doesn't like that you can't move the fingers individually and that your hands start sweating very fast." | |
Ruth Mallus (Daettwil) | 10/01/21 |
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"I was hoping for a little extra padding & reenforcement on the palms but overall, not a bad pair of sliders for the low price." | |
Craig M. (Boscombe) | 15/03/18 |