Carbon Team saapad on ümber kujundatud ja neil on üsna palju funktsioone. Tegemist on hübriidsaapaga, mille mansett on parandatud vastupidavuse ja parema paindlikkuse tagamiseks. Erinevatest vahtmaterjalidest valmistatud ühes tükis keel võimaldab suurt mugavust, head painduvust ja ei tekita kortsukesi/ülejääke, mis võivad tekitada villid.
Saapas on sisemiselt uue kujuga, millel on rohkem paindumispunkte, et mahutada täiendavat mansetti, säilitades samas toetuse - lisaks on esiosa painduvust oluliselt parandatud, et maandumisel oleks palju parem kontroll.
Boot / Shell tüüp:
Soft, Heat moldable
Liner Omadused:
Built-in, V-Cut, Shock absorber
Lacing, Powerstrap, Buckle
Saapa materjal:
PU leather, Plastic, Carbon
Voodri materjal:
Foam, Neoprene, Microfiber
Flexible, Low lateral support, V-Cut
Backslide plate:
Aggressive skating
arvustused (3)
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"Been a fan of the Carbon boots since deshi's first iterance all those years ago. The first thing that drew me to the carbon as the individual shell sizing. Being a UK 9 and loathing floppy moon boots, almost all skates on the market are not an option for me. Cant skate a 9 liner in a 10/11 shell (unsurprisingly) and im too old to be stuffing my feet into an 8. These will be my fifth pair of carbons. The biggest change ive noticed in this skate from my team 15s and franky carbon 2s is that the toe box is very spacious. My toes are dancing inside the boot, having a whale of a time. Ive sat the boots next to my old carbons and externally the boots are exactly the same size. So they're no larger but more spacious. They skate exactly the same as the old carbons -perfect! I dont think I'll need to heatmould these ones. Both the franky 2s and the team 15s gave me a pressure point on my ankle but these did not, they were comfy out of the box" | |
Rhys Hather (Bridgend) | 08/06/18 |