Triple Eight Bumsaver 2 Impact Shorts on meie originaalsete Bumsaver pükste täiustatud versioon. Need püksid on unisex ja mugavaks disainitud, ühendades lisakaitse ja suurema katvuse õhukese profiiliga.
Ainulaadne kahetsooniline vahusüsteem tagab suurema löögisummutuse, vähendades samal ajal mahtu. Lahtine kaitse ulatub tundlikele piirkondadele, nagu puusa, istmikuluu ja sabaluu, tagades maksimaalse kaitse. Kuna need ulatuvad reie keskele ja on kohandatud profiiliga, saab neid hõlpsasti pükste all kanda ilma ebamugavust tekitamata.
Triple Eight Bumsaver 2 Impact Shortsi paindlik ja vormikohane disain võimaldab suuremat liikumisulatust. Need on loodud vastavalt isikukaitsevahendite määrusele (EL) 2016/425 ning neid on testitud ja sertifitseeritud vastavalt standardile PPETS0002, mis põhineb EN 1621-1:2012, mistõttu on need CE-sertifikaadiga.
arvustused (11)
"Amazing impact shorts and super low profile so I didn't have to change my snowboard pants size. I thought the low profile may not work as well as the big pads, but wow I crashed hard and they worked amazingly!!!" | |
Rob S. (Montréal) | 09/01/25 |
"FANTASTIC PROTECTION. They fit perfectly under my workout pants, and the quality literally blew me away. BUMSAVER 2 is the real deal. There are hundreds of "inferior clones" in the marketplace; but only one BUMSAVER 2. And the only place I would purchase from is SKATEPRO. Their customer service, packaging, pricing, and shipping deserve a 10.0. I will be ordering from SKATEPRO again!" | |
Bob Small (Sherwood Park) | 25/12/24 |
"They fit true to size and I would go a size smaller if I could try again. And I will. Five stars, barely feel them under my skate shorts. Better than the original ones." | |
Danny Jorgensen (Edmonton) | 16/09/24 |