Delivery 5 tööpäeva
365 päeva tagastuspoliitika
Konkreetsed pedaalid parema jalgrattatunnetuse tagamiseks
Missioni värvilised Impulse-pedaalid pakuvad tänu oma kumerale kujule erakordset jalgrattatunnetust.
Tunnetage haardetunnet
- Parem haardumine tänu 12 ruudulise disainiga haardepoldile pedaali kohta
- Haarduvad pedaalid tänu oma konkavale kujule, mis loob väikese "toidupadja"
- Massiivne kroomspindel ja nailonist komposiitpedaalid
Platvormi kumerus:
Pedaali telje läbimõõt:
Pedaalide materjal:
arvustused (36)
"Super pedals" | |
Jay Mitchell (Limerick) | 03/01/23 |
"The products are great and the people working there are amazing all ways ready to help…my son is very happy tank’s again 🥳🥳 Happy New Year 🥳🥳🥳" | |
Rogério Da Costa Lopes (Lellig) | 27/12/22 |
"Great pedals" | |
Richard Pavone (Browns Mills) | 15/01/21 |
"Exactly what I wanted. Excellent quality. Came quickly. All my upgrades for my Haro Boulevard, have come from skatepro." | |
Robert Hepburn (Grimsby) | 14/07/20 |
"Just a fantastic service from an excellent shop. If you want a huge range of parts/items with great service and fast delivery.....use SkatePro 👍👍👍" | |
Paul Boland (Darlington) | 22/07/19 |