Delivery 5 tööpäeva
365 päeva tagastuspoliitika
See on BSD Revolution Planetary XLT 20-tolline tagaratas freestyle BMX-ratastele. BSD on disaininud Revolution Planetary XLT 20" topeltveljega ratturitele, kes vajavad tagaratast, mis suudab toime tulla trikkide ja hüpete vertikaalsete ja külgmiste löökidega. Planetary rummu kõlab krõbedalt ja lülitub koheselt sisse - samas ei blokeeri ratast, kui sõidad fakie'ga. Ühtekokku annab see rummu teile kassettide ja vabakäigukastide kõige armastatumad omadused. Tihendatud laagrid vajavad väga vähe hooldust ja on mustuse suhtes vastupidavad, mistõttu on see BSD tagaratas ideaalne välitingimustes kasutamiseks.
- Ärge unustage kontrollida, kas telgede läbimõõt 14 mm sobib teie rattakruvidele
BMX distsipliin:
Freestyle BMX
Velje materjal:
High Strength Aluminum
BMX ratas:
Ratta läbimõõt:
Planetary, Sealed bearings
Telgede läbimõõt:
Juhi pool:
Sulgade arv:
BMX Velje tüüp:
Double-walled rear rim
Hammaste arv:
BMX telje tüüp:
Hub Guard:
Non-driver side, Both sides, Driver side
arvustused (4)
"I had weird issue with the wheel. I think that the wheel is a special case. My case being review at this moment." | |
Olivier Croft (Chicoutimi) | 05/10/21 |
Vastus alates SkatePro: Hi Olivier, Thanks for taking your time to leave a review! I can see you have already been in contact with us regarding the goods you ordered. We greatly appreciate your feedback. 🤩 At the moment, we are in contact with our colleague to find the best solution for you regarding the issue, as soon as we hear back from him, we will update you. Thanks for the patience! ✌ //Lina |
"Great, had in stock items that are hard to locate in the US with super fast shipping! Will order again!" | |
Ben Scherbring (Omaha) | 08/09/21 |