Delivery 5 tööpäeva
365 päeva tagastuspoliitika
Kerged ja võimsad suusakepid
Madala kaalu ja hea juhitavusega suusakepid on mõeldud võistlussuusatajatele ja kiire treeningu jaoks.
Saate suure jõuülekande ja hea tasakaalu
- Jäigad kepid tagavad kohese ja täpse energia ülekande
- Saate tänu korgist käepidemetele paremad juhitavusomadused.
- Kogege head haardumist, õõtsumist ja kontrolli ergonoomiliste käerihmade abil.
Tipu läbimõõt:
arvustused (11)
"Tosi hyvät sauvat." | |
Tomi Kujala (Merikarvia) | 07/03/22 |
"tout tiptop merci" | |
Denis chevillat (Montfaucon) | 03/01/23 |
"cool" | |
Dmitriy Prigorenko (Mundelein) | 15/03/21 |
"I received my poles ordered around 4 Feb.finally on Feb 23. Although the shipping box had a huge gouge in it, the poles were unharmed. They are very well made and I cant wait to try them out. Unfortunately it's raining here in upstate NY so I'll have to wait for more snow. The craftsmanship is superb and the colors match my skis and clothing ensemble. Thanks for assisting us with shipping info. Dennis F" | |
Dennis Frisbie (Peru) | 25/02/21 |
"Levert iht avtale😉" | |
Dag Olav (Nannestad) | 23/02/21 |
"These poles are soooo light and beautiful. I love the adjustable straps." | |
Wendy Johnstone (Courtenay) | 02/02/21 |
"I promised a report in on these poles. I chose them specifically because of their coloring. Worth every penny. A great pole and I love the colors. That's an unbeatable combination." | |
Carey CB Lamontagne (Newcastle) | 02/02/21 |
"Great" | |
Jackson T. (Kitchener) | 02/02/21 |
"Tolles Produkt" | |
Anita B. (Selbitz) | 02/02/21 |
"Great ski poles, light, straps are easy to attach and convenient." | |
Alain Perreault (Lac-Megantic) | 18/01/21 |
"Super god service som tilgodeser begge parter" | |
Peter Mørup Jansen (Greve) | 28/01/19 |