Delivery 5 tööpäeva
365 päeva tagastuspoliitika
Vihmas uisutamine võib olla väike väljakutse, nii et õigete rataste olemasolu on väga oluline.
Kui sa uisutad maanteevõistlustel ja maratonidel, siis leiad end vahel ka vihma käes uisutamas. Siinkohal tulevadki appi Powerslide Torrent rattad.
Aastaid arenduses ja koos PS võistlusmeeskonnaga testitud
- Sa tunned end turvaliselt ja kontrolli all, tänu PU valemile ja spetsiaalsele töötlemisprotsessile pakutavale haarduvusele
- Neid rattaid on testitud ja täiustatud koos Powerslide'i võistlusmeeskonnaga
Ratta läbimõõt:
Ratta kõvadus:
Not included
Rattad pakendi kohta:
arvustused (11)
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"I highly recommend this wheels, it’s working perfectly on the wet surfaces." | |
Takács Ádám (London) | 04/01/22 |
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"Hi I havent skated on the rain wheels, I expedited my order but unfortunately they arrived too late to take them with me to apostle island race. Thankfully it was sunny and dry but glad I have them just in case. I imagine they''ll have good grip when the floor is wet. The only problem was packaging, pretty terrible the wheels were loose rolling around inside and package has seen a better day. I took pics but dont see a way to upload but was repaired with household tape, torn in front and back Maybe use something more substantial particularly if they're being shipped overseas" | |
Vastus alates SkatePro: Thank you very much for your feedback. I'm very sorry that your parcel did not arrive in time for your trip, fortunately, it was not raining that day. We have already been in contact regarding the wrapping and have forwarded this to our warehouse manager to make sure that we avoid these cases in the future. 😊 Thank you again! /Justin |