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Rock Rigid Bars klassikalise välimuse jaoks, millel on palju popi ja väike kaal.
Ela magusat Tiltlife'i koos väga klassikalise välimusega T-kujulise Pro Scooter baariga. Valmistatud alumiiniumist ja saanud peenhäälestuse, keskendudes vähese kaaluga kohtades, kus tugevus ei ole probleemiks, ja tugevdades seal, kus see on. Tilt'i esimene alumiiniumist riba, mille järele on stseen juba mõnda aega karjunud.
Tehnilised omadused:
- Sisemine/väline koonus, et kontrollida täpselt tugevuse ja kaalu suhet.
- Külmvaltsitud ja kuumtöödeldud alumiinium
- Kõrgus annab tapja tunnetuse koos rohke popiga
Compatible with:
Bar ends ühildub:
Lenks kõrgus:
710mm (28")
Lenksu laius:
610mm (24")
Lenks materjal:
Aluminum 6061
Lenks välisläbimõõt:
35mm (Oversized)
Lenks siseläbimõõt:
Materjali töötlemisklass:
SCS valmis:
SCS hülsiga kaasas:
Lenks kuju:
Compression süsteem lisatud:
arvustused (7)
"Great bars, very light, quick and easy to cut down to required size." | |
Daniel r. (Corby) | 29/12/24 |
"If you want to ride an IHC with this do not buy this. I was going to cut a slit in these bars and then rid oversized IHC but the bottom was too thick to put in a shim, so these bars are SCS-only. But if you are an SCS rider I would say they feel pretty good just by holding them in my hands, very light." | |
Josiah Holler (Powell River) | 19/10/23 |
Vastus alates SkatePro: Hi Josiah, thank you for taking your time to give us feedback. In general, we don't recommend cutting a slit in a bar, because it can weaken the material and it's not guaranteed that the bar will work, as you have experienced. I would recommend purchasing an IHC-compatible bar in the future. If you need help with anything, please don't hesitate to contact us. 🤞 /Your SkatePro Team |