Delivery 5 tööpäeva
365 päeva tagastuspoliitika
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Raua veoautod on toodetud Euroopas, mis on üsna ainulaadne. Need sobivad ideaalselt nii algajatele kui ka edasijõudnutele ning tänu kenale värvivalikule leiad hõlpsasti just selle, mis sobib sinu seadistusega. Kvaliteetne alumiiniumi ja terase segu annab tugeva veoauto, mis on valmis nii pargis kui ka tänaval sõitmiseks.
Klassikalise barrel-koonuse puks-setupiga ja 92A duromeetri uretaanist materjaliga saad veoauto, mis on väga juhitav ja sujuvalt uisutatav.
See on 5,25" High edition, mis võimaldab sõita suurematel ratastel kui keskmised või madalad veoautod.
Mudeli spetsifikatsioonid
Mudel | Hanger laius | Deck laius | Telgede laius |
129 | 129mm (5") | 7.50 - 7.75" | 7.75" |
139 | 139mm (5.5") | 8.00 - 8.25" | 8.25" |
159 | 159mm (6.25") | 8.60 - 9.00" | 9.0" |
Tükid pakendi kohta:
Trukid tüüp:
Standard kingpin, Standard hanger
Not included
Chromoly Steel, Aluminum
Veoauto profiili kõrgus (mm):
arvustused (33)
"Envoi rapide." | |
Marin Van Dinh Nguyen (Nantes) | 25/02/25 |
"Super" | |
Christian Briker (Ibach) | 20/09/24 |
"Semble de bonne qualité. Monté sur la board, y a plus qu’à tester" | |
Nicolas Benatti (Soultz-Haut-Rhin) | 08/07/24 |
"Tip top" | |
Rachid M. (Othis) | 17/03/24 |
"Kunne være bedre. Men til prisen er de udemærket" | |
Benjamin javaid (Brøndby Strand) | 14/09/20 |
"Super" | |
Peter T. | 13/05/19 |
"Top" | |
DEMONTROND Ghislaine (Perpignan) | 27/01/24 |
"nice optics, good quality" | |
L. Good (Forch) | 26/09/23 |
"Rubber bushings are poor quality. Damaged when trucks were tightened. I ended up using bushings from old trucks, which are working fine. Other than that perhaps the trucks are a bit heavy but that's priced in at the lower price range." | |
Phillip Doyle (Tralee) | 17/08/23 |
Vastus alates SkatePro: Thank you for your time in leaving a review. We are sorry to hear that your experience with the product was not positive. The bushings that come with the entry level trucks are usually hard, so if we tighten them too much they can break. However, even if the product is not top of the range, it should be able to withstand several sessions until the bushings break. We are glad to hear that you have been able to find a shaft that works well with the axle and hope that if you need any advice for your next purchase please do not hesitate to contact us. /Team Skatepro |
"Ottimo compromesso qualità prezzo" | |
Leandro Castelluccia (Mombretto) | 03/07/23 |
"Sehr gut" | |
Rocco H. (Kleinblittersdorf) | 09/02/23 |
"Ricambi fantastici resistenti . comprerò di nuovo" | |
andrea santoro (Finale) | 12/09/22 |
"Je recommande." | |
G. GUILLAUME (Broc) | 18/05/21 |
"Bonne qualite" | |
Scholz David (Montévrain) | 08/01/21 |