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K2 F.I.T. 80 ALU inline uisud meestele on väga hea hinna ja kvaliteedi suhtega. Need on suurepärane valik lõbusaks treeninguks õues ja linnas liikumiseks. Nendel K2 inline-rulluiskudel on pehme saapas. Pehmem saapakonstruktsioon tagab nii hea istuvuse kui ka mugavuse. K2 F.I.T. 80 ALU jooksevad väikeses suuruses. Seetõttu soovitame valida oma tavalisest jalanõude suurusest ühe numbri võrra suuremad.
- Alumiiniumraam pakub sulle otseseid juhitavuse omadusi, olles samas ülikerge
- Powerstrap sulgemine, et vältida kanna tõstmist, lisarihm üle rinnaosa tagab kindla istuvuse ja lisakontrolli
- 80mm rattad kõvadusega 80A, mis tagavad ülireageeriva ja mängulise sõidu.
- Linereid, mis on varustatud pitsidega.
- Hingava võrgustiku ja vahtpolüstri kombinatsioon vooderdises hoiab teie jalad mugavalt ja hästi ventileerituna
- Pakendis sisalduv pidur
Ärge unustage enne esimest kasutamist kruvisid kontrollida ja vajadusel pingutage neid. Arvestage ka sellega, et pärast seda peate regulaarselt kontrollima kruvide seisukorda.
Märkus: Saapa tagaküljel olev rihm/silmus on mõeldud uiskude kandmiseks ja ei ole mõeldud uiskude jalga võtmisel tõmbamiseks.
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Leidke ühilduvad tooted K2 F.I.T. 80 ALU Rulluisud:
arvustused (7)
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"I just wanted to provide my feedback after buying a pair of these blades online. They are ok but not sure how other people have given 5 stars. I ordered online and unfortunately the size was slightly too long for my foot. I knew I needed to buy bigger than my usual shoe size which I did but it didn’t work out. Went to send back to the supplier but they have no UPS depot in my town so would have cost $150 to send back overseas so not worth it. They are ok though when I have big socks on but the sole/foot area of the blades does not have enough padding in my opinion and the wheels are slightly off centre so my ankle rolls out occasionally while skating. They are reasonable quality but I wouldn’t buy again as I don’t think they are worth the money and not sure how other people have given 5 stars. I bought these based on other reviews online so wanted to provide my feedback." | |
Scott J. (Beaconsfield) | 04/01/25 |
Vastus alates SkatePro: Hi, thank you for your review! We're sorry to hear you're not satisfied with the product! It can sometimes be very difficult to find the right size because everyone is different and has different proportions. We appreciate the information and are sure that it will be helpful for other customers as well. Regarding the wheels, if you feel like there is any manufacturing defect, please send us pictures of the skates where this is visible, so we can take a closer look at it. Thanks! / Your SkatePro team |
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"Awesome rollerblades. Comfortable and durable" | |
Enita Odogun (Millwall) | 19/02/24 |
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"Great fitting skates, great price, fast shipping to New Zealand. Thanks SkatePro" | |
Sharon Fawcett (Kirwee) | 02/11/23 |