Tempish Ezza 90 inline-rulluisud meestele on väga hea hinna ja kvaliteedi suhtega. Need on suurepärane valik lõbusaks treenimiseks õues ja linnas liikumiseks. Nendel Tempishi inline-rulluiskudel on pehme saapas. Pehmem saapakonstruktsioon tagab nii hea istuvuse kui ka mugavuse. Tempish Ezza 90 jooksevad väikeses suuruses. Seetõttu soovitame valida oma tavalisest jalanõude suurusest ühe numbri võrra suuremad.
- Mid-Cut mansett pakub peent tasakaalu toetuse ja paindlikkuse vahel ning sobib sulle kui keskastme uisutajale, kui oled valmis järgmisele tasemele minema.
- Alumiiniumraam pakub sulle otseseid juhitavuse omadusi, olles samal ajal ülikerge
- 90 mm rattad kõvadusega 85A on selle seadistuse ümbertegemiseks täpselt õiged
- Sisseehitatud vooderdised, mis on anatoomilise kujuga
- Pange tähele, et nende uiskude maksimaalne sõitja kaal on 100 kg
- Pakendis sisalduv pidur
Ärge unustage enne esimest kasutamist kruvisid kontrollida ja vajadusel pingutage neid. Pange ka tähele, et pärast seda peate regulaarselt kontrollima kruvide seisukorda.
Märkus: Saapa tagaküljel olev rihm/silmus on mõeldud uiskude kandmiseks ja ei ole mõeldud uiskude jalga võtmisel tõmbamiseks.
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Leidke ühilduvad tooted Tempish Ezza 90 Rulluisud:
arvustused (47)
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"Excellent blades. Renewing my childhood passion with them, beautiful glide to them!" | |
Alan Crosby (Dublin 5) | 28/05/21 |
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"Skate size 10.5, UK size 11 myself. They fit perfectly. High quality standard as expected. The delivery arrived a day before so was very happy with that. Have used them a few months now and they still brilliant as the first day. Highly recommended for the summer." | |
Elton Gjoni (London) | 25/05/21 |
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"I just got the skates in. Fell once once and the middle strap ratchet broke clean off" | |
Phil Patchoski (Pasadena) | 19/05/21 |
Vastus alates SkatePro: Hi Phil, Thank you for your review. I am sorry to hear that the skates broke in no time. It shouldn't happen in one fall as they are good quality ones 😟 Please, contact our customer service team and we will proceed to study your case and find the best solution ASAP :) Looking forward to hearing back from you. /Cristina |
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"Skates size 9, fit well, might have been able to go a size lower for a snug fit. Good set. Cons. 1x Wheel chipped rubber (might have been my fault) Laces are starting to come apart (2 weeks near constant usage)" | |
Tomas Dalton (Ruthin) | 16/03/21 |
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"Bought these blades to keep me sane in London due to the lack of ice-skating. They work well, and are intermediate type level. I would not recommend beginners purchase these as the wheels are larger (more efficient / faster) but ultimately harder to control. Go for a smaller wheel to start!" | |
Antony Anastasiadis (London) | 15/03/21 |
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"Everything is fine, really happy about them 😊" | |
Gints Fisher (Harlow) | 15/03/21 |
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"Very good skates. Everything was as expected! Thank you!" | |
Vlad Zelkin (Palm City) | 08/03/21 |
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"Noice" | |
Jermaine Booker Jr (Hemet) | 24/02/21 |
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"Loved it and would recimmend!" | |
Simona Trijonytė (Kaunas) | 25/01/21 |
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"My boyfriend loved these skates! I tried them as well and they are very fast. They actually come with a detachable brake for one of the skates which was perfect as he is a beginner." | |
Ashley V. (Palm Springs) | 18/01/21 |
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"Super skates, big step up from the department bought pair, my 12yo daughter loves them." | |
Paul C. (Galway) | 13/01/21 |
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"Great product my son absolutely loved it he's 26 years old and has owned a lot of inline skates these are the best by far" | |
John Williams (Wrentham) | 11/01/21 |
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"I bought this as a gift for my Husbands 33rd, he absolutely loved it! He is an 11 in shoes, I purchased an 11 and it fits perfectly." | |
D. DuBose (Pittsburg) | 29/12/20 |
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"These are great. Very comfortable to wear as well, and fits true to size. Easily adjustable straps. Great product" | |
R. Kay (Bristol) | 19/11/20 |