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K2 MOD 110 Lace inline rulluisud on ehitatud nii, et need pakuvad suurepäraseid tulemusi. Need on suurepärane valik lõbusaks treenimiseks õues ja linnas liikumiseks. Need K2 inline uisud on varustatud kvaliteetse pehme saapaga. Pehmem saapakonstruktsioon tagab nii hea istuvuse kui ka mugavuse. K2 MOD 110 Lace jooksevad väikeses suuruses. Seetõttu soovitame valida oma tavalisest jalanõude suurusest ühe numbri võrra suuremad.
- High-Cut mansett annab sulle maksimaalse toetuse pahkluu stabiliseerimiseks ja vähendab sinu lihaste väsimust
- 110mm rattad, mille kõvadus on 85A, mis võimaldab sul hõlpsasti saavutada suurt kiirust ja säilitada seda pikema aja jooksul
- Sisseehitatud voodrid, mis on ventileeritud ja anatoomiliselt kujundatud
- Hingava võrgustiku ja vahtplasti kombinatsioon vooderdises hoiab teie jalad mugavalt ja hästi ventileerituna
- Pakendis sisalduv pidur
Ärge unustage enne esimest kasutamist kruvisid kontrollida ja vajadusel pingutage neid. Arvestage ka sellega, et pärast seda peate regulaarselt kontrollima kruvide seisukorda.
Märkus: Saapa tagaküljel olev rihm/silmus on mõeldud uiskude kandmiseks ja ei ole mõeldud uiskude jalga võtmisel tõmbamiseks.
MOD 110 uisud võtavad tempot üles ja tuginevad K2 Radical 100 edule.
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Leidke ühilduvad tooted K2 MOD 110 Speed Lace Inline Skates:
arvustused (21)
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"Not really had the skates a huge while but been out for a couple of runs around 10 km or so. As long as the service your skateboard is relatively smooth they handle this well. More bumpy surfaces are not really great for more than a few metres. Would not really recommend this skate until you are confident stopping as learning the skills on a small wheel is better and going to get you that much-needed confidence sooner. On a smooth open surface they are are amazing. I have a Feedback to skate pro about the sizing as in my case this did not seem to relate to standard UK shoe sizes at all." | |
Thomas J. (Takeley) | 10/05/22 |
Vastus alates SkatePro: Thank you so much for your effort in writing this review, as well as for sharing the feedback with us via email on the sizing! 👍 have a great day! /Doreen |
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"What a disappointment. These don't fit true to size or lace up as well as my K2 V02'S. They're too big despite being my size in ever other K2 model I've ever owned. Return is way too much of a hassle online so I'm stuck with 500 skates that dont fit and aren't as good as a less expensive model. Oh well." | |
Jamie J. (Calgary) | 13/09/21 |
Vastus alates SkatePro: Hi Jamie, Thank you for taking the time to write a review 👌 I am really sorry that the skates did not live up to your expectations... We have tried to make the return process as hassle-free as possible. However, if you need help with it, you can always email us or give us a call, and we will walk through the return process. 😇 Please don't hesitate contacting us if you have any questions or need any help /Vesta |
Kinnitatud ostja | |
"Great Help with my decision, I went for the amazing 110s. Also, they arrived earlier than expected, what made my weekend fantastic. Max" | |
Max R. (London) | 31/07/20 |